Brook Preloader

An Impact Mind for Humankind

Hello Good World provides technologies to truly change the world through conscious commerce. We create impact-driven solutions for consumers to connect with good businesses that provide exposure, credibility and transparency.

Our world-first technologies not only highlight amazing business that have a positive social and environmental impact, but as consumer awareness grows… we expect it to drive those that aren’t to reconsider.

About Hello Good Business

Hello Good World

Hello Good World is an online marketplace to connect consumers with impactful organisations. We’ve taken the guess work out of the clever marketing schemes so you can buy with good authority that your purchase is ethically, sustainably and socially minded. 

Each brand has alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals and a positive impact which can  be socially, culturally, environmentally purposeful or all three! 

Your Impact

Your Impact

The most amazing part is that every time you buy from these incredible organisations, you are making a real difference in the world. While we welcome businesses of all models you can find an average of $3 social return for every $1 spent, some brands are even up to $16 per $1.

This really goes to show that every person has the power to change the world with their back pocket by investing into products and gifts that keep on giving.

Hello good World Tiers

Our Standards

Each brand goes through a rating validation process. This is so the consumer doesn’t have to spend the hours scouring the internet and searching as to if a brand is washing you with clever marketing, or they are actually doing business for good!

Our inclusive environment is not exclusive to business model however, not all brands that apply, tick every box to appear on our website.

Our rating standards of Bronze to Gold appear on all listings at the Hello Good World marketplace. You can also Shop by the Sustainable Development Goals to purchase products that make an amazing impact in areas that mean the most to you.


Our Purpose

As a purpose-led organisation ourselves we’re committed to

  • Increasing the profile of our brands and sector as a whole
  • Providing world-first technologies to shift the needle in transparency through recognising the brands they can trust
  • Shifting the needle in seeing more business adopt an impactful model
  • Lifting the bar of meaningful and equal employment for the people we work with
  • Providing literacy education to Dalit / Untouchable Girls in India

Why education?

SDG 4 Quality Education

Providing literacy education for marginalised girls, obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

SDG 5 Gender Equality

Ensuring that over 50% of our donations are provided to the education of girls reduces the gaps of inequalities due to gender

SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities

By helping educate people in the poorest of areas, we can help close the gap in inequalities due to caste, disadvantage, location and marginalisation

The long term affects of this form of education are also known to help

  • SDG 1 No Poverty – The likelihood of being able to provide for their family increases with education
  • SDG 2 Zero Hunger – Children that go to school in impoverished areas will often have their only meal of the day or are able to provide food for their family later in life
  • SDG 13 Climate Action – According to the film 2030, one of the best things we can do to help the climate crisis is to provide education for girls

What impact have we had so far? Find out more

The Global Goals

What are the SDGs and why are they so important to us?

Our vision, albeit mighty, is to help the United Nations achieve all 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 through the power of business.

The Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs were made by the UN to create direct targets for humanity and the planet to live in harmony. We often hear of the changes needed to reduce climate change however this is just one of the areas needed for a true and holistic change.

Like you, we believe that businesses that do better, really have the power to change the world. But we know it’s not always easy to believe what brands are saying, so we’ve done the hard work for you. We validate and welcome impactful brands to Hello Good World, a marketplace where you can Shop by the Sustainable Development Goals to realise that you have just as much opportunity to be part of this impact, simply by purchasing from better brands.

Join us as we work together to make huge movements for a better tomorrow

Shop by SDGs

No Poverty 02 Zero Hunger 03 Good Health and Well-being 04 Quality Education 05 Gender Equality 06 Clean Water and Sanitation 07 Affordable and Clean Energy 08 Decent Work and Economic Growth 09 Industry Innovation and Infrastructure 10 Reduced Inequalities 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities 12 Responsible Consumption and Production 13 Climate Action 14 Life Below Water 15 Life on Land 16 Peace Justic and Strong Institutions 17 Partnerships for the goals

Hello Good Business

Acknowledgement of Traditional Land Owners

Hello Good World acknowledge and pay respects to the Yugambeh People, the traditional owners of the land where we are based. We pay our respect to their elders, customs and creation spirits. We also acknowledge the important role Aboriginal and Islander people make throughout communities across the globe.