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Frequently Asked Questions

About Hello Good Business and Hello Good World

Hello Good Business is the B2B office of Hello Good World, a platform to connect consumers with good business. You can visit Hello Good World to find out more

We are the B2B office of Hello Good World. Brands are validated through Hello Good Business and then appear on Hello Good World if they reach our stringent criteria.

Well that bit is really simple! You can buy from these brands and shop by Sustainable Development Goals online at Hello Good World.

Each brand has different ways that they can make an impact. You can help make an impact by purchasing and supporting any of these brands. This could be from ethical production to providing employment for marginalised communities, providing aid, trade or education overseas or working on local community and environmental projects. The list is endless so it’s great to start by deciding which of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals mean the most to you and see what you can buy to help!

For now, yes. Our customer database is local to Australia however we will open to new markets. To be the first to hear about our location developments and have an impact, why not sign up to our newsletter?
By joining our newsletter you can be part of the solution to SDG 4 Quality Education, as we donate a day of education for every sign up.
Join here

Sell on Hello Good World

To start the application process is simple. Make your way over to the Hello Good Business page and complete your form to the best of your ability. Once you have submitted your form, it will go through to our service team for processing and someone will be in contact with you from there.

To prepare your application in advance, you can subscribe to our brand newsletter here.

To find out more about the process, click here.

That depends… we’re not magical mind-readers but we assume you have got this far because you are an ethical, sustainable and impactful product-based business. If it’s a big yes to these three things, then we highly encourage you to apply and we can go from there!

If you’re considering joining and want to know our entry questions in advance, please join our Brands Mailing List where you will receive our Brand Preparation Kit.

Depending on the detail given, your application can take 2-14 working days to prepare a result. We are likely to come back with questions to confirm we have applied all your good business practise to the submission and can provide an accurate level for your business.

Hello Good World hosts a range of impactful businesses that look after people and planet. They range from consumables to gifts, fashion, crafts and homewares. View all the brands currently selling on the site.

Your initial application is free. We have set our system up to be really low risk for the small business to get started.

Once you are confirmed and welcomed to Hello Good World, there are a few options to pick from. Prices start from with a free sign up for a 25% commission of any products sold. To reduce your commission and access additional perks you can choose from one of two subscription plans. View pricing here

Your initial sign up is free. If you choose a paid subscription, this will activate from your date of launch onto Hello Good World.

There is no cost to submit your application or receive a rating. If you receive a Bronze, Silver or Gold standard, you are then welcomed to join the Hello Good World marketplace where fees apply.

Of course! After your initial form submission we will place your credential against our criteria. You should expect to receive more questions as part of our due diligence but also so we can get to know your brand and advocate on your behalf. This is when we can also help with any questions you may not have fully understood or update any anything you have forgotten too.

Once you have received your rating, we can also give you tips on how to increase it. Ratings can be changed as you increase your impact and provide us with more proof or certifications over time.

If you are not yet ready to apply and interested in one-on-one support to make your business more impactful, please email Fee’s will apply.

We are currently working on a dropshipping model. This is not only so we can keep our customer experience and interaction with brands at a high, but also to reduce our carbon footprint.

We are working with partners that can help with warehousing. If you have a current validation with Hello Good World and interested in accessing this, please let your account manager know or email

Amongst access to conscious consumers and retaining trust with our validation mark, we also advocate for good business and create partnerships to see them succeed. For a full list of benefits, we suggest you check out this page.

On successful application, we will help you link your product database to start selling. Our preferred providers are Shopify, WooCommerce and Squarespace for their seamless integration.

We pride ourselves on being an INCLUSIVE environment for business that do better, ‘good business is what we call it! You may apply if you are a selling products and falls under one or more of the following business types

  • social enterprise (certified or otherwise)
  • B Corp and working towards B Corp status
  • impact-led, purpose-led organisations
  • non-profit, charity (DGR status or otherwise)
  • ethical business
  • environmental, eco or sustainable brands

and currently trading in Australia or UK (coming soon!)

Yes. Hello Good World is a marketplace for products. We do not showcase services or donations for the brands.

About Hello Good World

Founder & CEO : Rachel Whitworth
Co-Founder & CTO : James Ketley

Read more about our story

Hello Good World was created at a Techstars Startup Weekend in 2021. Our offical birthday in 14th May.

Our impact is first-and-foremost SDG 12. Fostering connections between good business and consumers for Responsible Consumption and Production to thrive.

We also work with charitable organisations to help provide education to marginalised girls. This is because we believe the education of young women is the foundation for profound change amongst a number of the SDGs.

You can find out all about our impact so far and what a Social Return on Investment (SROI) is right here.

By definition of the following items, we are proud to call ourselves a social enterprise.

  • Our business is run via trade.
  • We have a clear fit to a social problem, clearly aligning SDG12
  • We have a defined Theory of Change and how our business is creating a difference
  • We reinvest over 51% of our profits into expanding our technologies, raising the wage of employment for our staff and advocacy work.

We exceed these definitions by

  • aligning with B1G1 to further our impact through the education of Dalit Girls in India
  • creating partnerships and opportunities for our brands beyond our technology
  • connecting our community of like-minded business owners to help each other grow and thrive

Most people understand Return on Investment or R.O.I as a term to quantify whether spend or time taken has been worthwhile. A 1:1 R.O.I means the output is equal to the events investment. A 2:1 ratio means the output is double the money or hours taken and so on.

Similarly, S.R.O.I or Social Return on Investment looks at the business model of a socially responsible organisation. Studies say that the Social Enterprise Model is at least 3:1 and some are so impactful they reach even 30:1 S.R.O.I. For every dollar spent you can make a profound difference!

To keep our IP private, we give the first peak of new technologies to our brands for feedback. If you would like to have first access, you can submit your brand through the application process. All we can say is that we are continuously looking to help bridge the gap between consumers and good business to create a positive impact. Our motto is An Impact Mind for Humankind.

Media, Partnerships and Collaborations

Sure can! We have a number of packages you can buy for your office to start having an impact right away. We are open to bridging the gaps between corporates and our socially and environmentally impactful brands. Take action on your impact by taking a look at our CSR Subscriptions, available exclusively at Hello Good.

We can also provide bespoke services for your organisation and team to learn more about social enterprise and good business models, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and help you increase your impact. Please contact with your request.

Yes. Please send an email to with details on your prospective partnership. Most of our current partners have an offering that really helps our community of impact-led brands succeed in business.

In your email please detail your idea and how you think you can help. We expect to see what the values-alignment with Hello Good World as a brand is and how a partnership between the two ventures can increase the positive impact for people and planet.

We do not accept any spam or for this email to be added to any database without our permission.

Yes! A big part of our advocacy work is spreading the message and we’re always interested in working with others to help make this happen. Please contact with your request including dates, times and location.

If it fits with our ethics, standards, values and conduct, we will consider collaborations and technical pursuits. Please connect with us at with more details.

From time-to-time a new job or internship with our organisation will arise. You can subscribe to the Hello Good Business newsletter for employment opportunities.

As we are an inclusive environment, we do take the time to read all submissions however due to the amount competitive nature of these positions, we cannot provide detailed feedback unless you have reached an interview round.

Hello Good Business

Acknowledgement of Traditional Land Owners

Hello Good World acknowledge and pay respects to the Yugambeh People, the traditional owners of the land where we are based. We pay our respect to their elders, customs and creation spirits. We also acknowledge the important role Aboriginal and Islander people make throughout communities across the globe.